Important: I want to stress that my mentioning of resources is not a recommendation. These are tools that can be used and abused. It’s always really important for each survivor to examine potential resources and only accepting those that make sense to you. Remember that I too am a survivor and these resources may fit with me, but might not fit with you and your healing journey. Remember what works for one survivor at a particular time, might not suit another survivor at a different time. And speaking of resources, when decide to see a therapist, remember to take the time to find the right person for the job. If you aren’t comfortable with the situation, just back off. Get all the information that you need, and proceed at your own pace. Remember this is about your mental health and nothing is more important than that. Don’t be pressured or steamrolled. This is your recovery, and you have absolutely every right to know what you’re getting. And finally remember that there are no “magic cures”. Recovery from abuse is a long term process. Be very aware of shortcuts or “miracle” programs.
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